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Official Website of Sparkling Debut Author
A New Novel
My Story
as a child I dreamt of being a banker and spent days by the brook calculating compound interest. my horrified parents encouraged me to get a proper job, a career with prospects, like being a writer. They said that I'd never make any money in the city and look at JK Rowling.  "People will always need books," My Dad bellowed, whilst watching pride and prejudice on the telly. accordingly, I studied Literature at the university of chipping sodbury, gaining a distinction, and immediately threw myself into the rat race of creative writing. I ignored my inner voice and made a great living writing childrens books but something was gnawing at my soul.
Despite the creativity, and children's laughter becoming the soundtrack of my life, inside I was empty. My Life changed after a chance encounter with deepak chopra in a new york elevator.  I had always admired his work so I lent in closely, eager to gain some wisdom.  It was then I over heard words that changed my life, "Better out than in."  I couldn't get out of there quick enough.  I had picked up the smell of success.
Looking back, I realise that I'd learnt one of the lessons of the heroes quest; success leaves tracks like a bear with a damaged paw. like a guiding light, Chopra had shown me the way. i wanted to be out of writing and I wanted to be in sub prime finance; i was going to repossess my destiny by repossessing homes.  unfortunately,the opportunitiesin this area are sparse but I am determined to make my passion my work.  I believe that passion is the key, now that i'm following my passion, the results will be passionately passionate because it's all about my passion.  however, in the meantime, please read my first adult novel, the anxious mind of derek dibble.  
My Books

Derek Dibble is a criminal defence solicitor, a job which requires intelligence, confidence and knowledge.  You'd think that Derek would be delighted that he's only three qualities short of being brilliant, but he's not.  When Justice Minister Chris Grayling slashes Legal Aid funding, Derek is staring down the barrel of redundancy.  Under the stress and worry, Derek's mind begins to unravel like his client's stories under cross examination.  Desperate to win the battle for his mind, Derek turns to french psychologist, Jean Christophe Creteau.  Jean is french and acts french, which in England is considered to be mental health condition.  It's the blind leading the blind.  This new novel by Noah Blackman is a journey through court rooms, police stations and maladaptive thoughts.

The Anxious Mind of Derek Dibble

My Books
Next Event
23 Mar 2018, 08:00
Maidstone, UK
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